Saturday, July 12, 2008

One more weekend

Friday arrived and just have gone. And to celebrate the last day of my boss vacation me and some of my co- workers went to a suas it was nice...this time we chose a bar at the downtown but not so close to our job..called "Si sobra nóis vendi", it was fine...they have something that i can called a lil place to pee (what is very important when u drink some beers) and some nice live music what is rare in Rio.
Sexta chegou. E para comemorar o último dia de férias do meu antigo chefe, eu e algumas amigas fomos beber algo em uma barzinho perto do trabalho chamado "Si sobra nóis vendi", nada demais o bar..o bom que tinha uma especie de banheiro, o que já conta muito e uma musiciquinah ao vivo, o que é raro aqui no Rio.

At the beginning it was Me, Ana, Cris and Clo...but by the end of the night Dani (Ze`s wife), Cu (Ze`s sis) and Zé come to join us... it was fun as hell..we laugh so much..and we were one of the last tables at the places so even the cups that we were drinking we were allowed to take home...
I think just in Rio u can do this...
No inicio, éramos somente eu, Ana, Cris e Clo, mas no fim da noite chegou Dani ( mulher do Zé), Cu (irmã do Zé) e o Zé, foi muito engraçado, rimos tanto....fomos umas das ultimas a sair do local..tanto que levamos algumas canecas de brinde conosco...acho que só aqui no Rio que fazemos isso

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More comidinhas

Busy weekend again....
On Friday..get some cold beer with my friends after the dirty feet downstairs...for some ppl can sound weird but i love to socialized and be with the people that i like to work with outside the company enviroment...
On the table it was basically just girls, except for Dudu and Leo (that did not drink cause he did not want to see his lovely girlfriend smelling like beer)...and it was cool...we talk we laugh..have some fun..did not take too long but it last enough to make all of us happy.
Later but in the same night I went out again, now with Bela and Leo to a new place near to my home, kind of Galeteria...and as usual we have some great fun but i cannot forget to let my comment aobut the place here
Galetomania (on Vanhargem Square)
Price: $
PS: Acepts all cards including VisaVale...nice thing to order if u are in group is a meal called Tabua Leblon that cames with: Chicken sausage, grilled chicken breast, roasted chicken and fried provolone cheese + portion of rice, french fries, farofa and a herbs sauce...Very good and nobody leaves the table hungry. The beer was good too...fair price and it was cold and creamy like it must be...

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Fotos do Arraial...


Algumas fotitos do Arraial...lá do trabalho...

bjks, divirtam-se e inspirem-se...