Friday, September 9, 2011

We are all...Humans!

In the corner of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, despite all the theories if it was a terrorism or just a conspiracy; people still remain the same with the same hate, rage, prejudice and ignorance.

The world can be such a great place and each one of us can do something to change.

Try it!!!

A small step/action can make a immense difference. Stop pre-judging the others by their look, beliefs, religion, country, spoken language, social/economic status, sexual preference/orientation. We can look, sound and think different but we are all the same: Humans!

Just once, try to treat the others in the way you like to be treated, see the other beyond their looks.
By the end of the day you will feel different, a way better and will also make a difference on somebody life. This is contagious and it is very likely to turn into a domino effect!

If we do not change and teach our kids that we are equals what going to happen then? Remember hate generate more hate, wars and unnecessary deaths. Be more comprehensive, tolerant. Learn to live with the others despite the differences, Coexist!!!!

Say no to the prejudice, any kind of it!!!!

