We all know what has happened in Haiti lately and yes i agree that it was a huge disaster and that is wonderful to see the whole world mobilized to help them to get over it, or at least to try to make the things less painful to them.
I admire all the great people that donate not only money, food or medication or anything that can help them, but I admire even more the one that donate their precious time, life and skills to help them to start over or just get funds to it.
In the other hand I feel like, wow needs to happen something like that for the world get united and do something for the others that is so much struggling for longs years...is not only that why such disaster calls so much of our attention when on daily basis we have people in our own places suffering like them and we do not do a thing to help them to change their lives for better? How can we be so hypocrites and not even look our own back yard to help our people and get so much sympathy for the others that is just like them, in fact that is a difference, the people in Haiti has been struggling for years and they had the earthquake that was not their fault.
So just because was not their fault we help them and forgot about the others? is this fair? Why cannot we do the same, even in small actions and smaller proportions to help our owns too? Maybe cause we will not feel that cool or nobody will see it or when we tell to the others will not see interesting at all, but if we say that we help somehow people who are trying to recover themselves from a huge disaster like earthquakes or tsunamis we are a great human being...What a shame! People are people, does not matter where they are from, what kind of disaster happened in their lives, what type of struggling they are going to..what it counts in the end is what We did to help them to change it.
So try to do something different today, try to help someone even with a little action but one that come from the heart from your core and you will be able to see how huge will be your day or your life and theirs after it!!!